The Vegan by nature is very passionate about activism vegan, which is one of the main reasons why we started this blog in the first place.
I'll give you some tips on how to start a campaign of activism vegan in a moment, but first, let me define what is activism vegan.
Activism vegan is a proactive strategy to promote and promulgate the notion that all non-human animals have right to live an independent life. The activists, vegans are limited to exposing the truth about the various ways in which people abuse animals and restrict their freedom.
As far as we know, animals can not directly communicate with humans, at least not in our language. For this reason, they lack the ability to speak for themselves.
I firmly believe that it is your duty and mine to defend the weak.
Although the initiatives to raise awareness and activism vegan, have proven to be successful, personally I don't respond well to them. This is true for any type of activism, whether for gender equality, the rights of animals, or other causes.
There are times and places for the messages openly blunt. Remember that in addition to defending the life of the creatures in distress and to show compassion for them, we must also bear in mind the importance of showing kindness between us.
Or not, is a vegan. We must be compassionate, because most of us have gone through it. However, that is not the topic of this article.
Steps to be an activist vegan
Instead, I have prepared a list of suggestions is not evasive, original, fun and useful for the movement for the rights of animals.
What does it mean for me to “activism effective”? It is true that almost all the world becomes vegan in the night to the morning. Each one makes a special way that is proper.
With these concepts, I hope to stimulate people's interest and encourage him to learn more about veganism on your own.
I think it is more likely that the people to make changes that are in line with your values and, what is more important, changes that are sustainable when they find the answers to their own questions.
The “how” will come naturally once your “why” is strong, as we discussed in great detail in our book.
But the question of how to persuade people to start to learn about the cause of animal rights is still standing. Look at the following suggestions.
Feel comfortable talking about how you did it vegan
When the others find out that you're vegan, they usually ask why. For many vegans, this situation can be a bit intimidating, since you may worry about how you will appear to others because of your motivations.
My perspective is different. It is a gift that feel curious about your veganism. Take advantage of the conversation about veganism that is taking place because it doesn't happen very often.
Reduces your reaction to a single sentence that is well written. For example, I react easily when someone asks me why I became a vegan, saying: “I became a vegan the night to the morning after watching a documentary about animal abuse”. I leave it there.
They provide more information if requested. Sometimes people are so interested in the documentary who see it.
Probably, your phrase is not the same as mine. Here are some cases:
“I have tried a plant-based diet for a few weeks, and although it has benefited my health, I finally understood that the business of the meat is the major cause of the degradation of the environment”.
You are experiencing with your narrative of transition. In fact, I advise that the register written. In fact, do me a favor and submit your phrase of transition in the comments of the blog entry. In this way, we can all benefit of others.
Lists the documentaries related to veganism
After watching a documentary, like What The Health, and many more, many people become activists vegan.
Most viewers believe that documentaries are reliable sources of information (in most situations), and accessible.
This does not imply that people must decide to become a vegan right after seeing a documentary. But at least you can begin to change your way of perceiving the world.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with a few documentaries and adapt your speech to the person to whom you are writing.
In a short time, more individuals will join the cause of animal rights if you attend to your audience.
Post content on a blog
Another affordable way to participate in activism vegan is to create a blog. Write articles on cooking vegan meals, clothing, cosmetics or travel are just a few examples of how you could provide substitutes, simple animal products.
Creating a blog can seem daunting, especially if you lack the necessary expertise. Luckily, creating a blog has never been easier. Thanks to services such as WordPress, Squarespace and Medium, you can create a design in just a few hours and no experience in coding.
Just choose a template you like and start to write. It is fundamental to remember that the design of your blog is not as important as you think. Choose a simple theme that allows you to focus on producing content honest with your own voice.
Once you have between five and ten blogs, tries to get in contact with other bloggers in your niche to establish connections. With time, you will be able to share the material with others, expanding simultaneously your audiences.
Visit blogs vegan high-quality that it is worth continuing to see some specific examples of blogs vegan.
Upload instructional videos to YouTube
Netflix and YouTube are replacing television. On-demand services are very effective to spread a message because we can see the content when you want, in any place, and on a variety of devices.
On YouTube, however, you can launch your own tv series vegan for nothing, unlike Netflix! A strategy is a novel to expand the cause of animal rights and attract new audiences would be to launch an educational program about veganism.
Making videos requires a certain degree of technical learning, like blogs. That said, both the voice-over as the slides can be used to produce content.
In addition, do not let your video equipment overwhelm you. Luckily, most of us have access to all the necessary tools, which are our smartphones.
Also you can explore your neighborhood and you can work together. Maybe you know someone who is taking classes in film and video production. You can help videographers to enhance their portfolios and audiences by asking them to collaborate with you on a project free of charge.
Performs interviews podcast enlightening with vegan
We, as a culture, we are dependent of the stories motivators. We love to hear the total transformation of the life of an underdog.
Many vegans have incredible stories of success in a variety of fields, including business, athletics, medicine, education, and more.
There is no better way than a podcast to share these stories. For those who are not familiar with the term, a podcast is like a radio free of charge to the letter.
Anyone can launch their own radio network through podcasting, as anyone can launch their own tv network on YouTube or your own publishing company private through blogs.
It requires a technological aspect to record and edit a podcast, as with the other platforms that I've discussed before. However, this excellent resource will guide you step by step in the process to start your own podcast.
If you want to have guests, consider the possibility of conducting interviews with experts in a particular field.
Catering vegan
The waste is a big problem for the hospitality industry. This barrier is eliminated by providing suggestions of dishes based on the ingredients present, which improves your chances of changing their menu.
If you decide to implement this idea, another suggestion is to discuss how the inclusion of options vegan in a menu, it would increase the sales. Use resources as the groups vegans of Facebook in the neighborhood to raise awareness among the people.
Insists on the fact that vegans are enthusiastic and borne the word about your business with ease. Appear in the list of Happy Cow will help you to attract tourists who are looking for restaurants vegans in the vicinity.
Feel comfortable talking about veganism
The mere fact of being vegan will allow you to keep lively conversations with people who are not vegan. It is crucial that you see these discussions as an opportunity and not as an aggression.
If you do well, you'll be able to encourage someone to begin your transition to veganism. However, you must practice and become skilled in order to have these dialogues.
Create a company-vegan
Being a self-proclaimed nerd of the business, I love the concept of using trade to change the overall demand for goods ethical.
The shortage of vegan products deters some people adopt a vegan diet. Although there is no doubt that it has improved a lot in the last ten years, much remains to be done.
I have compiled a long list of concepts enterprises vegan that you could cast if you consider yourself an entrepreneur, cafes, pizzerias, shops, and clothing... And all of them vegan. In addition, you will be able to visit customers that is not exactly vegan.
Engage in a conversation with people who are not vegan
When I turned to veganism for the first time, I tended to isolate myself. Didn't always have the energy to give explanations to my friends and family, as it was sensitive for my transition and I didn't want to do it.
Especially when you get often comments like:
- Why have you felt the need to make vegan?
- “Please, let me know when you go back to eating meat”
- I see why you don't eat animals, but what about the milk? Please, explain
Without a doubt, being a vegan has social obstacles. In addition, you may want to limit yourself to socialize with vegans that don't question all the time.
To socialize with non-vegans, however, I challenge you as I did the same. I have reached a point in which I love to the whole world, whether vegan or not. During 26 years of my life, I was not a vegan, and I was among those who could not understand why someone would do such a thing.
The non-vegans are not horrible people; only what is your behavior. The animals suffer and die as a result of their behavior. And therefore, it is crucial to maintain a relationship with all over the world, regardless of the values they have.
Teaches you how to interact with others who are not vegetarians. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to understand you better.
The best way I've found to interact socially with those who are not vegan is to bring to work, to barbecues, to birthday celebrations and other gatherings, meals, plant-based, make the mouth water.
Make and bring food with you it is an act of consideration, which also has the added benefit of helping to change the perception of people about veganism if they love it.
Head over to the athletics vegan
The way you act and the way you look is a major source of social proof. The same thing happens with veganism.
To be an athlete vegan serves as proof that a plant-based diet is feasible and, in many situations, overcomes an omnivorous diet in terms of performance.
There are more cases of football players vegans, runners from ultramarathon, and the strongest man in the world.
To be an athlete vegan is a sure way to start a conversation about the improvement of health through a life-style based on plants in your field, whether you're a power lifter, yogi, cyclist and football player.
Autopublica a novel with messages in favor of veganism
A great method to participate in the defense of veganism is to publish a science fiction novel or a work of art for kids with ethical issues.
It may seem intimidating to write a book, and after you've done it, I can give faith that it is not the easiest task in the world.
That said, readers are more eager than ever to find literature of the highest caliber. In addition, to reach an audience and autopublicarse has never been so easy.
You can publish a book for free through the program's Kindle Direct Publishing from Amazon.
So, if you have a book inside of you, I publish it and supports the fight for the rights of animals!
How are you going to participate in activism vegan?
As I previously stated, it is our collective duty to defend the defenseless. Some people succeed more directly through to the action, while others do so more subtly by using some of the concepts mentioned above.
Whatever your inclination, the aim-to protect and liberate the animals - remains the same.
This is my list of suggestions that you can use to promote the cause of animal rights. Even as I write this, I can think of many additional ideas, but I'll leave the rest to you because this article is already stretching quite a bit.
Can you help us to share?