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The Good Veggie

Vegan Egg Substitutes

“Do you want a vegan meal without the egg? Test that substitutes for egg vegan, made with natural ingredients and without animal cruelty. Don delicious and nutritious!”


Substitute vegan egg are an excellent option for those looking for a healthy and nutritious alternative to eggs conventional.

These substitutes vegan egg contain natural ingredients such as chickpea flour, almond flour and oat flour, as well as other ingredients such as tapioca starch, guar gum and xanthan gum.

Substitute vegan egg are also rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, plus contain a reduced amount of fat and calories.

semillas de lino

These substitutes vegan egg are used to replace eggs in recipes such as pancakes, tortillas, crackers, cake, muffins and sauces, among others. Substitute vegan egg can also be used to emulsify sauces or to make a vegan version of scrambled eggs.

In addition, they are a great option for those looking to add more nutrients to your diet, such as vitamins B and minerals. Therefore, the substitute vegan egg are an excellent option for those looking for a healthy and nutritious alternative to eggs conventional.

Nutrition and benefits of substitutes for vegan egg

Did you know that eggs vegans are an excellent option for those who avoid the traditional egg? Today there is a great variety of substitutes for vegan egg that offer the same texture, flavor, and nutrients that the traditional egg! These substitutes vegan egg allow you to enjoy a wide variety of recipes without compromising the benefits of nutrition.

Substitute vegan egg are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. These vitamins and minerals are important for maintaining the overall health and promote well-being.

In addition, the substitute vegan egg are an excellent source of protein and fiber. These protein and fiber are essential to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Substitute vegan egg are also a great option for those who follow a diet low in fat and cholesterol. These substitutes vegans have less fat and cholesterol that the traditional egg, which makes them an excellent choice for those who seek to reduce their consumption of fats and cholesterol.

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You can also help prevent cardiovascular disease and other health related issues.

The substitute vegan egg are a great way to enjoy your favorite recipes without compromising nutrition! Just try one today and discover the many benefits they offer!

How to use substitute vegan egg in the kitchen

There is nothing that you cannot do without egg! If you're vegan or you're simply looking for new ways to cook without using eggs, there is a great variety of ingredients and techniques that you can use to achieve incredible results. These substitutes vegan egg are versatile, nutritious, and easy to use.

  • Do you want a delicious and crispy potato chips? Try mixing a tablespoon of chickpea flour with a little water to create a dough light and fluffy. This is your alternative vegan to the classic egg and flour.
  • Looking for a cake recipe healthy? Try mixing a tablespoon of chia seeds with three tablespoons of water. Let the mixture sit for five minutes to form a gel. This is your vegan version for egg powder.
  • Do you want a rich cheesecake? Try using a mix of vegetable drink and flour to form a dough crispy and fluffy. This is your alternative vegan for the typical egg and cheese.

It doesn't matter if you're looking for a recipe for a tart healthy or a recipe for a crunchy chips, there is a substitute vegan egg for every occasion. Explore the cuisine vegan and discover an endless array of delicious recipes!


What ingredients are used to make substitutes for a vegan egg?

¡Vegan ingredients such as flaxseed, avocado and vegetable drink are the key to preparing incredible egg substitutes!

Not only are they healthy, but they also help you create tasty vegan dishes extraordinary. Explore a new way of cooking with these foods versatile!

Recipes substitute vegan egg for breakfast

Have breakfast with a bowl of energy vegan! There are many delicious options that do not require egg to start the day. From pancakes made with tofu until burritos filled with beans, there are easy recipes and healthy for all tastes.

Explore the cuisine vegan and discover the magic of the vegan ingredients. Here are some ideas for breakfast vegan without egg:

  • Pancakes of chickpeas. ¡A healthy breakfast and satiating! Mix a can of chickpeas soaked with some spices of your choice. Then, deep fried balls of dough in a pan with a little oil. Delicious!
  • Bean Burritos. Fill a flour tortilla with a mixture of black beans, onion, bell pepper, and spices. Then, roll up the tortilla and deep-fry with a little oil until golden brown. A quick and easy breakfast!
  • Toasted avocado. ¡Avocado and toast, always a good choice! Cut a ripe avocado in half, remove the peel and the pulp. Then, toast two slices of bread and spread with half of the avocado. It comes with a little lemon juice and pepper!

Get ready to cook a breakfast vegan without the egg that is healthy, nutritious and delicious! Explore the cuisine vegan and discover new ways to make breakfast rich in nutrients. Start your day with power!

Visit our page of breakfast vegan and enjoy.

Recipes substitute vegan egg for lunch

Do not worry about the eggs! Here are 5 delicious recipes substitute vegan for your lunch:

  • Salad of chickpeas. Combine chickpeas, onion, carrot, olive oil and balsamic vinegar for a salad and a crisp and healthy. It is an excellent alternative to vegan egg!
  • Hummus for black beans. Mix black beans, tahini, tomato, olive oil, and spices such as cumin to create a delicious sauce that will replace perfectly to the eggs.
  • Toast with beans. Prepare this recipe vegan by mixing black beans, onion, garlic, olive oil and spices. Then, warm up your toast and top with the bean mixture to a dish tasty and healthy.
  • Cake of vegetables. This recipe is vegan is a great way to enjoy a healthy lunch. Blend carrots, eggplant, zucchini, onion, garlic, olive oil and spices to create a cake delicious that it will replace perfectly to the egg.

I hope that these recipes substitute vegan egg help you create healthy lunches and tasty! Enjoy with our page lunches vegan!

Recipes substitute vegan egg for dinner

There's nothing like a delicious dinner to fill us with energy and comfort! If you're a vegan, you can enjoy a dinner healthy and nutritious without using egg. Here are some vegan recipes for dinner egg substitute that will leave you satisfied and ready for your next journey.

  • Potato omelette vegan with roasted vegetables. This recipe is vegan is rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates, and provides a delicious flavor to the dinner table. Mix a cooked potato with some grilled vegetables and a pinch of salt and pepper, and use a tablespoon of olive oil to cook the mixture in the pan. And you are done!
  • Pizza aubergine. This recipe is vegan, is an excellent option for dinner as it is a source of protein and complex carbohydrates. You can mix eggplants, cut into slices with some ingredients of your choice like mushrooms, onions, peppers, olives, etc, Add tomato, basil and some herbs to give it a special touch. Bake the mixture in a pizza vegan and enjoy!
  • Sandwich with tempeh and beetroot. This recipe is an excellent choice for those looking for a vegetarian alternative to eggs for dinner. Tempeh, a fermented food made from soybeans, is combined with grated beetroot to offer a unique flavor and full of nutrients. Mix the tempeh with beetroot and some herbs, and then tuéstalo in a sandwich vegan. Delicious!
  • Salad of quinoa. This recipe is vegan is a great option for those seeking a healthy alternative to eggs for dinner. Quinoa is a source of protein and complex carbohydrates, which are combined with fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds to provide a delicious flavor. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper to give it a unique touch. ¡Mmm!

Now that you know some alternatives vegan with egg for dinner, it is time for cooking! ¡Have fun with our page dinners vegan!

What are the substitutes for vegan egg?

You don't have to renounce the favorite dishes when you are vegan! There are countless egg substitutes to satisfy your appetite. Discover the wonderful flavors and textures that offer the following vegan ingredients! From the chickpea flour until the seeds of flax, from here you have everything that you need to flavor your favorite dishes! Get ready to discover the magic of the substitute vegan egg!



The bananas look like the avocados in which deteriorate without treatment after five minutes of looking in the opposite direction. Then, using a quarter of a tin can for each egg, you should take advantage of their ability to replace the eggs. They are excellent for all of the recipes in the oven.

Cream of nuts

It turns out that the cream of fruits is a substitute for the egg whites. Do not say that you have to add a bit of liquid, like water or almond milk, three tablespoons of sour cream (or cream of seed) of each egg. Use it as an alternative in recipes that call for a flavor of dried fruits and nuts, such as brownies, banana bread, or brownies.

Almond milk

A quarter cup of almond milk or honey is a good substitute for the eggs.


A way of replacing the egg yolk in a pastry without the fat with applesauce. For each egg, use 1/4 tasse of applesauce without sugar. This substitute vegan brings the galettes, pies, muffins and breads moisture and flavor, while reducing calories. Applesauce is available in stores, or you can do it at home with fresh mangos. This recipe for galettes mandarin uses only four basic ingredients and is a vegan food quick and easy with no eggs.


Legumes such as chickpeas are baked in a viscous liquid is called aquafaba. Due to the similarity between the proteins and starch, this substitute vegan, which translates from Latin as “water bean”, can be used in place of the egg yolks clear. Use a tablespoon of aquafaba in place of one egg, two tablespoons of aquafaba in place of egg-clear or three tablespoons of aquafaba in place of a whole egg to replace the egg for aquafaba in vegan recipes like meringues, clouds, ice-cream or mayonnaise.

Flax seeds or flax seed

This nutritious seed is full of antioxidants and ground, can be used as an alternative vegan egg in the kitchen and baking. Mix a cup of flax seeds dry with three cups of water, stir and leave to stand for five minutes for it to sprout the seeds. In bread vegan as pastries, muffins, burgers, and marinades, the ground flax to imitate the qualities of the eggs. Try this recipe of meatballs vegan-based acorn to check how well you stick to these seeds.

Chickpea flour

One of the best natural substitutes of the egg is the chickpea flour, which has a high content in proteins and functions as a binder and leudante in dishes such as biscuits, crackers, and pasta. The chickpea flour has become a substitute for the usual omelettes and quiches due to its texture and taste similar to eggs.

Mix three tablespoons of chickpea flour with three tablespoons of water for each egg until you get a smooth paste, and creamy. Most of the stores that sell natural products, as well as the big supermarkets, they have chickpea flour. This recipe of pasta orange and hazelnut is a great and delicious starting point if you want to try to use chickpea flour as a substitute for the eggs.

Bestseller No. 1
NaturGreen - Harina de Coco Bio, Harina Ecológica...
  • ✔️ Harina de coco ecológica SIN GLUTEN
Bestseller No. 2
Harina de fibra de bambú finamente molida, 100%...
  • 🍩 MULTIUSOS: Aporta estabilidad a las masas sin gluten, por eso es especialmente recomendada en panes de molde, picos, biscotes. Además, mejora la frescura y ternura de productos horneados como donuts, berlinas o brioche, especialmente en aquellos elaborados sin gluten y/o keto low carb.
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NaturGreen - Harina de Garbanzos BIO, Harina...
  • PRODUCTO ECOLÓGICO: La harina ecológica de garbanzo es rica en proteínas, fibra, minerales, vitaminas e hidratos de carbono. Por eso es muy utilizada para elaborar diferentes recetas. Al no contener glúten es una harina menos panificable que otras, por lo que se suele mezclar para elaborar panes o postres. Muy útil para sustituir al huevo en rebozados o tortillas


Substitute vegan egg are an excellent option for those seeking a healthy alternative to eggs. These substitutes offer a similar taste to the eggs, without the health risks associated with the consumption of eggs.

In addition, the substitute vegan egg can also help to reduce the environmental impact of the production of eggs, does not require the use of resources needed to produce eggs.

These alternatives vegan egg can be an excellent option for those who wish to enjoy the nutritional benefits and culinary eggs, without the costs to health and the environment.

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